Super mombasa f1 is a Spenish fodder..
Its life is 15 years.
It is soft fodder for all age animals like as goat,cow,hours etc.
It has 4 to 28% protein.
Productivity: Mombasa grass is a tall grass, similar to hybrid Napier grass in habit, but far more leafy and is very suitable for cut-and-carry. It is a very productive leafy grass, producing between 20 and 40 t/ha dry matter per year.
Crude protein levels: Mombasa grass 10-16% crude protein on poor soils and 14-16 % crude
protein on better soils.
Animal production: Live weight gains of 770 kg/ha/yr compared with 600, and 590 kg/ha/yr
from Purple Guinea and Tobiata grass. It is more productive than Other Grasses.
Grazing management: Mombasa grass Can be either rotationally grazed or set stocked.
Management depends on the farmer’s experience. Most farmers in South America prefer
cut-and-carry. Therefore cut every 40-45 days in the wet season and 60-70 days in the cool season.
Establishment: Mombasa grass Can be either pla